What do I need to do before I can receive my commission on my sales?
You need to make sure that you have sent in your W-9 or W-8 (Canadians), Independent Associate Agreement and your licensing document(s) for the state in which you live, as any commission will be held pending until the originals of these forms are received in our office at 3200 W Wilshire Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK 73116. After receipt of these completed and signed documents any commissions pending will be paid to you through direct deposit to the bank and account you have designated for your Direct Deposit of commissions. Setting up direct deposit can be done through your back office once you have made a sales or clicked on the "Become an Associate" link, or you can submit a completed Direct Deposit form with a copy of a voided check attached via email to tvc@tvcmarketing.com or faxed to (405) 607-2500. You can find these documents to be completed and submitted at:
I just made a sale will I be paid this Friday?
Our sale week runs Sunday through Saturday. We pay on all sales made during the week the following Friday.
I just made a sale, but when I go to my back office it is not showing the commission I am going to be paid?
Commission amounts do not show up until the Wednesday before the Friday a Sale is to be paid. Our sale week runs Sunday through Saturday. We pay on all sales made during the week the following Friday.
I made a sale last week but the commission on the sale is showing $9.24 instead of $80.00…Why?
The $80.00 advance commission is paid on sale made with an on-going payment method. That means a payment method where MCA can expects to be able to draft that payment method for future payments. These type of payment methods include American Express, Visa, MasterCard and Discover credit cards, as well as, electronic fund transfers from your established personal checking account.
You will be paid as-earned commission on all other form of payment, such as but not limited to, prepaid credit cards, gift cards, one-time pay cards, newly established on-line banking accounts, offshore accounts etc. Any individual who gives away membership or charges multiple memberships to the same credit card or bank account will be paid as-earned. Group sales are paid as-earned.
Can I receive the same $80.00 advance commission when I sell a Gold or Platinum membership?
Yes when you sell the Platinum and Gold Plans you can still get the $80 advance and the same overrides and bonuses just like with the Total Security Plan...but additionally if you have a Platinum or Gold membership you will be placed in the MCA Matrix and any Platinum or Gold memberships you sell will fall under you in that matrix, which will allow you to add a second stream of income.
How does the matrix fill?
The matrix fills from left to right. Any sales made by you will fall in your matrix unless you have filled your 3 x 8 matrix and they fall outside of your 8th level. Any sales made by your up-line MAY fall within you matrix.
How does the Matrix pay?
Look at the hypothetical example on the Total Security Platinum membership on the Sale Support page of the website. http://www.tvcmatrix.com/secure/SalesSupport.aspx
Month 1. Say you refer 3 people to the Platinum Plan. Then on the 15th of the following month you will earn 3 x $0.20 = $0.60 in reward dollars. Since you referred these 3 people then they are 1st generation to you.
Month 2. Then those 3 people refer 3 people each to the Platinum Plan and of course the 3 you referred paid their membership dues for the month.
Then on the 15th of the following month you receive $0.60 in reward dollars for the 3 people you referred, and since the 3 you referred, referred 3, then those 9 people, who are 2nd generation to you, fell in your matrix and you receive $01.81 for those people who fell on the 2nd level of your matrix.
Each of the 3 your referred receive $0.60 in reward dollars for the 3 people they referred. BUT you also match on their reward dollars so you receive and additional 3 x $0.60 = $01.80 in 1st matching. You reward income is $0.60 + $01.81 = $2.40 in reward dollars and $1.80 in 1st matching for a total of $4.21 in reward income.
Month 3. Now, say the 9 2nd generation associates, those who were referred by the people you referred, each refer 3 people to the Platinum Plan, for a total of 27 new referrals. These 27 then fall into your matrix under your 9 2nd generation associates. Then, on the 15th of the following month, you have 3 + 9 + 27 = 39 people in your matrix, which pays you $7.82 in reward dollars. The 3 you referred, your 1st generation, now each have 12 people in their matrix so they each are paid $2.40 in reward dollars, and your 9 2nd generation each have 3 people in their matrix, so they each receive $0.60. So you receive reward income of $7.82 + (3 x $2.40 = $7.20 for 1st matching) + (9 x $0.60 = $5.40 for 2nd matching) = $20.44. (there are fractional pennies that make it add up right.) By this time you have already covered the additional cost of the Platinum membership each month.
Month 4. If the 27 refer 3 so that 81 more people fall in your matrix, then your reward dollars will be $24.05, your 1st matching will be $23.45, and your 2nd matching will be $21.64 and the total matrix income you will be paid on the 15th of the following month is $69.14.
You get the picture… if the process continues each month for next 7 months then in this hypothetical example you could be earning $98,437.48 per month or $1,181247.89 per year in MATRIX INCOME.
Now on all of your 1st or 2nd generation recruits, you match on their reward dollars (look at the column headings) they receive no matter where they fall in your matrix or outside of your matrix (like on your 12th level or 20th level...(YOU DONT MATCH ON THEIR MATCHING YOU MATCH ON THEIR REWARD DOLLARS). If you have 5, 50, or 1000 1st and 2nd generation recruits who have an active Gold or Platinum membership then you match all of their reward dollars...once again not on THEIR matching.
That is the power of the matrix and 1st and 2nd matching.
Why can’t I switch sponsors?
Just as I can not take people away from you to give to others, I can not take people away from your current sponsor to give to someone else. We have to abide by the terms of the Independent Associate agreement. Make sure you sign up under the sponsor you want in the beginning.
Where can I find marketing materials?
You can find our marketing materials on our website at
You can also Find Marketing Flyers for Free on this site!
How do Charge-backs work?
Whenever a member cancels then a chargeback on the original sales may be applicable. On the MCA Total Security membership you can receive an advance commission of $80 (plus additional bonuses of up to $10 based on sales volume) which is approximately 17 months worth of earned commissions.
If a member cancels in their 10 month, then you would be charged-back the remaining 7 months which have not been earned…or 7 x $4.62 = $32.34. This chargeback is taken from any existing commissions due you for the week. If you have 15 commissionable and processable Total Security sales that week, you will receive a bonused for any chargebacks you had that week, otherwise your total chargebacks cannot exceed 50% of your check for a given week.
If a member call and request and are granted a full refund, that is not considered a chargeback, it is considered a no-sale and is not subject to the rules listed above. Any commissions that have been paid related to a no-sale are charged against future commissions.
If a member call and request and are granted a full refund, that is not considered a chargeback, it is considered a no-sale and is not subject to the rules listed above. Any commissions that have been paid related to a no-sale are charged against future commissions.
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