How 2 Create a Blog?

Here on this page I am personally going to show you how to blog and how to generate lifetime organic traffic from your blog post.

Simply watch this Video, Read Instructions and Build it


Step 2 – Under Posts, Click “Add New”
You will be writing and creating your post here with the next steps we talk about. Anything you find you write it in this section…

Step 3 – Find Topic & Keyword Guidelines
Think of a topic you want to write about. Then find keywords for that topic using Google Keyword Tool…
Ideas: Company Reviews, Product Reviews, Affiliate Programs, Book Summaries, Marketing Tips, Any Tools You Use, Your Primary Business Keywords, Guru Reviews.

If you are going for product keywords then that is easy just use the “product name” or “product name review” “product name scam” “join product name”
If you would like to know if you can get on the first page of Google for a keyword pretty easy then go for these numbers: Using Google keyword tool make sure it’s at least above 300 exact searches per month… Then type the keyword in Google with quotes “keyword” if it’s less then 300,000 results that show up then you are golden!

So perfect keyword is 300 exact searches or more per month and under 300,000 search results competition!

Step 4 – Format for your post with these SEO guidelines
Post should be 300-500 words minimum
Keyword in Title, Permalink & Tags
Have an H2 & H3 with your keyword throughout your post
First & Last sentence in post should have keyword
Upload an Image with the Alt Text as the Keyword
1-3% keyword density… So if you have 500 words then your keyword needs to be in post at least 5-15 times…

Then Your Personal Signature with call to action to share the content, Your Image, Name, Contact info, Your primary business, PS line promoting something & last sentence with your keyword…At the end of each article or blog

Example of my signature (change it up to promote what ever you want. You can change it up on each post if you want):

"Chris Muhammad

Work With Me Personally–

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