Your Daily Activity

I know you joined MCA to MAKE MONEY!!!! FINE. But there is much reward in help people to learn how to do for themselves. Teaching and training people how to make money is easy. But improving the contents of their characters will go further.

Before you start MAKING MONEY let's talk a little bit about MINDSET!!!

Before we talk about "Daily Goals" let us discuss MINDSET.
Many people start a Home base business or Work At Home opportunity but doesn't realize that it takes daily income producing activities to obtain daily or consistent results.

Many of us have disciplined ourselves enough to go and work for another person because we understand that IF we put in our time will be get a PAYCHECK.

So Working From Home without a boss, supervisor, or manager watching your every move and monitoring if you have shown up or not requires a certain level of discipline. This is the reason why MANY Life Coaches Successful 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners speak often about Personal Development, Mindset Shifts and the like because if you can change your mind you can change your life.

And... a discipline person is one who can work for themselves when no one is requiring them do to do so.


-Post Your MCA Lead Capture Page with ads every day!

[Post Your Link 30-50 Times Per Day]

CLICK HERE to see some Example Post

-Respond to any emails, phone numbers or messages you've received from people who are interested.

CLICK HERE to see Example Email To Send

-Follow Up with your Leads

**Follow Up**

If you are being consistent and advertising daily you will get leads to follow up with.

Respond to all your inquiries in a timely manner if you have too many leads share some of your leads with your team.

Don't let the leads go to waste when your team wins you win too!

Methods To Follow Up

*Follow up using the 4 min Sizzle

*Follow up with a Phone Call

*Follow up with a Video

*Follow up with a text message

*Follow up with an email


Don't be afraid to Ask Them To Join! If they tell you they can't join on that day ask them for a date and make sure you call them on that date to get them started. Don't wait for them to contact you, you contact them 1st! Also, the day before they are to join the biz, Send them a reminder text, email or message and say I can't wait to help you get started on tomorrow! I'm excited about your journey and Success here with MCA!

This will REALLY Help you close out more of your leadsl!

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